someone asked ne what I look for in a girl. and this is the first thing I said
well, for me its more than just the outside. I mean, the outside appearance can be important ,
but its more inside that counts.
I like a good sense of humor, I like to laugh.
I like a girl who's not afraid to be herself, and she seems to speak her mind
sometimes and I like that. someone who is fun to be around, who I Can be myself
I like it when I feel we can connect without even saying a word.
I like a girl who knows how to feel, and can understand me
she doesnt need to be a tiny bean pole, I don't find that attractive
womens bodies are beautiful things
I like a girl who is considerate.
she thinks about me, and tries to be there for me
like I'll always be there for her.
as I continued writing, I realized
you're literally the only one I want to be with.
theres many beautiful girls, but they arent you
they don't have what we have